

Provides the member states of the European Union and non-EU countries with statistical information and data on area and population, economy, employment and labor costs, transport, tourism, external trade, etc.

Hong Kong Statistics

A site provided by the Census and Statistics Department of the Hong Kong Government.

Government of Macao Special Administrative Region Statistics and Census Service

A site provided by the Statistics and Census Service of the Macau Government.

National Data

In order to speed up the construction of modern service statistics and better serve the society, the National Bureau of Statistics established a new statistical database in 2013, which is based on the "China Statistical Database" created in 2008. In this database, you can query the time series data of major indicators in various specific fields provided by NBS, and also create personalized statistical charts according to individual needs; You can not only browse numerous statistical yearbooks, but also use the modern visualized statistical products.

Nationmaster.com: Everything About Everywhere

User can graphically compare countries in the same region on a variety of statistics, such as economy, energy, environment, education, religion, sports, crime, etc.

World Development Indicators Online (WDI)

World Development Indicators Online provides direct access to more than 600 development indicators, with time series for 208 countries and 18 country groups from 1960 onwards.

UN Tourism

Get the latest and most up-to-date tourism statistics for all the countries and regions around the world. Data on inbound, domestic and outbound tourism is available, as well as on tourism industries, employment and complementary indicators. All statistical tables available are displayed and can be accessed individually.

Macao Tourism Data plus

This website has been set up for the tourism statistics enquiry. The information published on this website contains content from the Macao Government Tourism Office and third parties, and it is provided for public reference only.

Summary of higher edcucation data

The figures on higher education provided in this summary include: (1) Data of staff in the Higher Education Institutions of Macao for the Academic Year 2019/2020; (2) Data of Registered Students in the Higher Education Institutions of Macao for the Academic Year 2019/2020; (3) Data of Graduated Students from the Higher Education Institutions of Macao for the Academic Year 2018/2019; (4) Data of Non-local Higher Education Programmes in 2019; (5) Data of Macao Students Studying Higher Education in Places Outside Macao for the Academic Year 2018/2019; (Note: These figures were obtained from the information on the eligible candidates for the Learning Material Subsidy Scheme for Students of higher education in the Academic Year 2018/2019) (6) Higher Education Indicators of Macao for the Academic Year 2019/2020.


《中國文化文物和旅遊統計年鑒》收錄了中國各省、自治區、直轄市文化和旅遊發展各方面的統計資料,以及其他重要歷史年份的統計資料,是一部全面反映中國文化建設和旅遊發展情況的綜合性統計資料。本年鑒正文內容共分為九個部分,包括: 綜合、公共圖書館、群眾文化、藝術、旅遊、文化市場、文物、教育、科技、動漫及其他附錄資料。
圖書館有2019 – 2021年版本。


《中國旅遊年鑑》是中國旅遊統計發展情況的資料性年刊。內容分為:中國旅遊統計報告和入境旅遊人數、海外遊客主要特徵、國際旅遊(外匯)收入、國內旅遊基本情況、地方接待入境過夜遊客情況、星級飯店基本情況、旅行社基本情況、A級旅遊景區基本情況、旅遊企事業單位基本情況等共九個部分的 統計資料。該年鑑資料來源於全國旅遊部門、統計部門和公安邊檢部門。由2019年起, “中國旅遊統計年鑒” 及 “中國文化文物統計年鑒”合併為 “中國文化文物和旅遊統計年鑒”。